Past online workshops and events

Recordings & Resources

Where the CLT deliver workshops or events online (through Zoom or MS Teams meetings) we endeavour, when appropriate, to record them and make the links available here.

Academic year 2024/25

TopicDateDescriptionRecording Link [Duration] & Resources
TEL- Bytes webinar – Setting up a Moodle quiz
13/2/25This session will demo how to get the settings right for a summative or formative Moodle Quiz.Recording: setting up a Moodle Quiz [27:56] Slides: Setting up a Moodle Quiz
TEL-Bytes webinar – Using Moodle groups and groupings30/01/25This session outlines how to use Moodle groups and groupings to support learning activities and assessment.
Along with:
-An overview of Moodle groups and groupings 
-How to set up your groups and groupings  
-Using groups and groupings with activities (e.g. forums, assignments, restricting access by group) 
Recording: Using Moodle Groups and Groupings [44:02]

Slides: Moodle Groups and Groupings
TEL-Bytes webinar – Moodle Admin Essentials: Managing the administrative side of your Moodle space24/01/25This session provides an overview of managing the administrative side of a Moodle space. The video demonstrates and signposts the answers to common support topics related to Moodle’s administrative functionality, such as: 
– Understanding SAMIS mappings and dates. 
– Enrolling users. 
– Editing course settings. 
– Groups and groupings. 
Recording: Moodle Admin Essentials [34:38]
Slides: Moodle Admin Essentials
TEL-Bytes webinar – How to reset your Moodle space15/01/25This session outlined how to use Moodle’s reset functionality to empty a Moodle space of previous user data and perform housekeeping tasks ready for Semester 2.Recording: How to reset your Moodle space [26:38]
Slides: How to reset your Moodle space.
TEL- Bytes webinar Releasing grades and feedback in Moodle with marking workflow and grade transfer12/12/24This session explains the different stages of the marking workflow in Moodle and demonstrates how grades are transferred to SAMIS using the new Grade Transfer ToolRecording: Marking workflow and grade transfer
Slides: Marking Workflow and grade transfer
TEL-Bytes webinar – Moodle quiz: reviewing and releasing results09/12/24This session outlined the main Moodle Quiz admin features including user overrides for extra time, viewing results, regrading and release.Recording: Moodle Quiz -reviewing and releasing results [31:38] Slides: Moodle Quiz reviewing and releasing results
TEL-Bytes webinar – Entering marks and feedback in Moodle (online and offline)05/12/24Moodle Assignment for marking and feedback. Learn how to enter marks and feedback in Moodle, and how to upload annotated assignments and marks.Recording: Entering marks & feedback in Moodle 05DEC24 [34:33]

Slides: Entering marks & feedback in Moodle
From Difficult to Enriching: Navigating Difficult Conversations in Learning & Teaching04/12/24 and 11/12/24Explore practical skills for navigating difficult conversations and supporting learners in interacting, collaborating and learning through differences in cultural backgrounds, beliefs, ideologies, and opinions. Recording:
Part 1- Understanding diversity and cultural competence at Bath [46:01]

Part 2: Managing difficult conversations in diverse learning environments [39:40]

Slides: Supporting diverse experiences in learning and teaching Pt 1 + 2 – Dec24
Developing practice with FeedbackFruits in Moodle16/10/24In this session Grace Wachter from FeedbackFruits demonstrated how their assessment and feedback tools can be used to provide assessment opportunities, showing some of the features existing users may not have yet discovered.Recording: Developing practice with FeedbackFruits in Moodle [57:48]
TEL-Bytes webinar – Using Moodle groups and groupings15/10/24– An overview of Moodle groups and groupings 
– How to set up your groups and groupings  
– Using groups and groupings with activities (e.g. forums, assignments, restricting access by group)
TEL Bytes – Using Moodle groups and groupings-15OCT24 [31:53]

Moodle Groups & Groupings
Getting started with FeedbackFruits in Moodle25/09/24This session introduces the FeedbackFruits tools that can be accessed in Moodle (available for an extended pilot). The tools can be used for peer review or group member evaluation activities as well a range of other learning activities.Recording: Getting started with FeedbackFruits in Moodle [52:32]

Slides: Bath FeedbackFruits workshop
Designing your Moodle spaces for effective learning24/09/24In this interactive online workshop, we will look at and discuss examples of effective Moodle spaces.Recording: Designing your Moodle spaces for effective learning [24:33]
Slides: Designing your Moodle spaces for effective learning (pptx)
Introducing the new SAMIS integration on Moodle
This session introduces the new look SAMIS integration block and its additional features. Demonstrating:
– Viewing the mappings for a Moodle page.
– Adding additional mappings of units or courses. 
– Automatically created groups of students (new feature).

Note: The August running of this session was before the release on Live Moodle.
Recording: Introducing the new SAMIS integration on Moodle [20:25]

This is the recording from the September running.
How to share recordings with students using Panopto and Moodle23/09/24This session explores the ways in which Panopto recordings can be shared.Recording: Share recordings in Panopto and Moodle [29:22]

Slides: Share recordings in Panopto and Moodle
Moodle Admin Essentials: Managing the administrative side of your Moodle space10/09/24This session provides an overview of managing the administrative side of a Moodle space. The video demonstrates and signposts the answers to common support topics related to Moodle’s administrative functionality, such as: 
– Understanding SAMIS mappings and dates. 
– Enrolling users. 
– Editing course settings. 
– Groups and groupings. 
– Bulk editing.
– Reseting activities and resources.
Recording: Moodle Admin Essentials [36.21]

Slides: Moodle Admin Essentials

Academic year 2023/24

TopicDateDescriptionRecording Link [Duration] & Resources
Administering exams on Inspera (Planner Training Session)24/06/24Exams on Inspera are set up by staff with the “Planner” role. This session demonstrates the steps involved in setting up exams.Recording: Administering Exams on Inspera [57:04]
Moodle Admin Essentials: Managing the administrative side of your Moodle space18/06/24This session provides an overview of managing the administrative side of a Moodle space. The video demonstrates and signposts the answers to common support topics related to Moodle’s administrative functionality, such as: 
– Understanding SAMIS mappings and dates. 
– Enrolling users. 
– Editing course settings. 
– Groups and groupings. 
Recording: Moodle Admin Essentials [36.20]

Slides: Moodle Admin Essentials
Preparing for Moodle upgrade and archiving12/06/24The annual Moodle upgrade will begin on 30th July 2024. During upgrade week a snapshot of Moodle will be taken and archived. This session will outline key dates and actions to help you prepare for the Moodle upgrade and archive snapshot.​Recording: Preparing for Moodle upgrade and archiving [27.01]

Slides: Preparing for Moodle upgrade and archiving
Virtual Scenarios: A Learning Platform Demo04/06/24In this session George Bellwood from Virtus Tech demonstrated how their virtual simulation platform (Digi Sim) can be used to build scenario-based learning activities delivered via any platform (desktop PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone or VR headset).Recording: VirtusTech Demo [47:39]

Slides: VirtusTech
Moodle Quiz – reviewing and releasing results: TEL-Bytes webinar07/05/24This session will provide an overview of the main administrative features of the Moodle Quiz activity. We will demonstrate key features including: user overrides for adding extensions/extra attempts and extra time, viewing student results, regrading and release.Recording: Moodle Quiz – reviewing and releasing results [15:55]

Slides: Moodle Quiz reviewing and releasing results
Releasing grades, marking workflow and grade transfer: TEL-Bytes webinar02/05/24This session will outline the key steps when using Marking Workflow and Grade Transfer. Recording: Releasing grades, marking workflow, grade transfer [11:46]

Slides: Releasing grades, marking workflow, grade transfer.
Entering marks and feedback in Moodle (online and offline)23/04/24Moodle Assignment is used for coursework submission, marking and feedback. The session will demonstrate  
·  How to enter marks and feedback directly in Moodle (online) 
·  Downloading assignments and subsequently uploading annotated assignments, along with marks in a grading worksheet. 
Recording: Entering marks and feedback in Moodle (online and offline)

Slides: Entering marks and feedback in Moodle (online and offline)
CLT EduTalks – TDF Exploring online resources for anatomy teaching – Dr Adam Brazil & Dr Elena Seminati21/03/24The project aimed to establish if students felt using Anatomy TV helped them achieve the learning outcomes of their units and ascertain what features of an online resource students consider important. It also explored whether the self-assessment quizzes were beneficial to student learning.Exploring online resources for anatomy teaching [00:31:16]
CLT EduTalks – GenAI integration in the university curriculum affects student wellbeing – Dr Becky Upsher11/03/2024Exploring how GenAI integration in the university curriculum affects student wellbeing. Unpacking the impact of AI on learning and assessment and share her ongoing research at King’s College London. For example, insights into diverse staff and student perspectives on AI-assisted assessments, and how to develop authentic and collaborative AI-integrated assessments.GenAI integration in the university curriculum affects student wellbeing [01:02:20]
Edufest 202428/02/2024EduFest Online Conference. Theme: Innovative teachingEdufest 2024 Recordings [Folder]
What does Artificial Intelligence Mean for Bath? 21/02/2024The Minerva series has bought together a group of experts from the University of Bath to discuss the impacts of AI on Bath and how we can prepare for them.What does Artificial Intelligence mean for Bath? [59:51]
CLT EduTalks – Creation Of A Model, Learner-Focused, Technology-Integrated Resource Package To Improve The Student Journey In Health Professions Education08/02/2024In this session Dr Tim Rennie talks about this project aimed to develop and demonstrate capacity for technological tools and processes for improving the learning process for work-based learners.EduTalk Creation of a Model, Learner focused Resource [43:40]

Streamline the peer feedback process with FeedbackFruits31/01/2024In this session the team from Feedback Fruits demonstrated how their tools can be used to provide opportunities for peer assessment and feedback. FeedbackFruits Peer Review Workshop 31 Jan 2024

What’s New in Moodle 4.1 – Semester 223/01/2024
The Technology Enhanced Learning team presented and explained the relevant changes in Moodle 4.1 and went over general Moodle housekeeping to help staff prepare for semester 2.

*Please note: The video did not correctly capture the slide changes between the 7:25min mark and the 14:48 minute mark (slides 12-18). You can follow along with the linked slide deck.
What’s New in Moodle 4.1 – Semester 2 recording [32:35]

What’s New in Moodle 4.1 – Semester 2 slides
CLT Edutalks – Boosting Engagement With Feedback and Development of Employability Skills with ePortfolio16/01/2024Dr Cressida Lyon (Biology & Biochemistry) as she talks about her Teaching Development Fund (TDF) Seed project – This project aimed to promote proactive engagement with feedback. The ePortfolio and associated workshops encouraged students to log feedback, find patterns, identify skills to develop, and locate the resources required to develop these skills.Edutalks – Boosting engagment with Feedback and Development with ePortfolio [37:17]

CLT EduTalks – AI and the future of Student Learning – Nigel Francis07/12/2023Generative AI has the potential to be a disruptor to current higher education practices. In this session, the capabilities of some of these tools will be explored and potential ways to mitigate some of the challenges posed by AI discussed.Slides on AI and the future of Student Learning
CLT EduTalks – TDF Promoting decolonising cross – disciplinary practice04/11/2023Within this session Dr Elena Minella and Dr Shona McIntosh talk about thier Teaching Development Fund Seed project – Promoting decolonising cross-disciplinary practice among UG and PG students.Edutalks – Promoting decolonising cross-disciplinary practice [50:12]
CLT EduTalks – AI Tools – Stephen Taylor08/11/2023Within this session Stephen will give an overview of some issues in AIEd, as well as tools available to aid in research discovery.Edutalks – AI Tools with Stephen Taylor [53.38]

Links on research tools
Introduction to Mentimeter18/10/2023Learn the basics of Mentimeter, how to create and edit presentations and polls with a range of different question types.Introduction to Mentimeter [55:47]

Slides (on Mentimeter)
FeedbackFruits – Peer activities11/10/2023FeedbackFruits demonstration of peer review activities.FeedbackFruits Workshop [46:16]

Introduction to Crowdmark for quality assignment feedback at scale27/09/2023Crowdmark demonstration of how to setup and give assignment feedback at scale.Crowdmark workshop [coming soon]
Moodle Update23/08/2023What’s new in Moodle 4.1?Moodle 4.1 Workshop

What’s New in Moodle 4.1 workshop slides
Noteable – Jupyter Notebooks18/07/2023Getting started with Noteable (a Moodle hosted Jupyter Notebook platform)Getting Started with Noteable [36:07]


Academic year 2022/23

Topic Date Description Recording Link [Duration] & Resources
EduFest 2023 17/05/2023 EduFest Online Conference. Theme: Inclusive TeachingEduFest 2023  Recordings [Folder]
Digital Assessment 26/04/2023 Streamlining the online feedback process – FeedbackFruits & Bath University Zoom recording [51:14] Passcode: ePc2^RFk
Workshop Slides
/ Learning Journey
CLT – PedR 31/03/2023 Getting Started with literature reviews  PedR Watch recording [01:27:48]
CLT – PedR 24/03/2023 How to get started with PedR  PedR Watch recording [01:29:10]
CLT – Edutalk 07/03/2023 Generative Artificial Intelligence Chat GPT  EduTalk Watch recording [01:13:48]
Generative AI Workshop: Slides
CLT – Edutalk 20/02/2023 A&F Taster Workshop 2: Cracking the code of marking criteria and mark schemes  EduTalk Watch recording [54:20]
Workshop 2: Marking Criteria Slides
TEL Essentials for Semester 2 02/01/2023 Top tips to prepare for semester, covering Moodle, Panopto and Mentimeter TEL Essentials for Semester 2 recording [48:02]
TEL Essentials for Semester 2 Slides
CLT – Edutalk 06/12/2023 Engaging with Academic Integrity Dr Thomas Lancaster Lunchtime Hub Watch recording [56:54]
Engaging with Academic Integrity Slides
Inspera Planner Training 22/11/2022 How to set up exam instances on Inspera.Inspera Planner Training [43:54]
Further resources can be found on the pages for Inspera planners
Quick Wins with Accessibility Tools 15/11/2022 How to use accessibility checkers to support resource creation. This includes Microsoft Accessibility Checker, Ally and Accessibility+ Toolkit. Quick Wins with Accessibility Tools Recording [37:10]
Authoring Exams on Inspera 26/10/2022 How to author questions on Inspera, covering the new candidate selected questions feature, and previewing how it displays for students. Note: Whilst this session is a recording of the SoM session, the content is applicable to all faculties after the introduction and demo test (13:59)Authoring Exams on Inspera [1:00:07]
Further resources can be found on the pages for Inspera authors
Getting started with Mentimeter   22/09/2022 TEL webinar: An introduction to the University’s new polling tool Mentimeter. Getting started with Mentimeter Recording [56:23]
Slides, examples and resources