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  5. Re:View – Panopto Audio and Video (summative)

Re:View – Panopto Audio and Video (summative)

Assessment Type: Coursework

Below is the TEL recommended workflow for using Re:View (also known as Panopto) for student audio and video recordings. Moodle is not recommended for audio and video as there is a 50mb upload limit on the platform. If you are using Re:View for formative assessment, then visit Re:View (Panopto) for audio and video recordings recommended workflow pages. The guidance provided is for general use.

Roles in Moodle and Re:View:

In line with Moodle terminology, on this page teaching staff are referred to as Teachers. Students are referred to as Students. 
In line with Re:View terminology, on this page teaching staff are referred to as Creators. Students are referred to as Viewers.

Individual audio and video assessment

Students can individually upload a video or audio recording to Re:View. This could be a presentation, instructional video, screencast, or oral submission.

Recommended workflow:

1. A Creator creates an assignment folder within a Moodle-linked folder in Re:View

In Re:View, navigate to the Moodle-linked folder for your unit. Within the folder settings, create an assignment folder. Staff and students should not keep assessed recordings in a personal My Folder in case they leave, are absent from the University for a length of time, or change job role.

2. A Teacher creates a Moodle submission point with online text enabled

In Moodle, create an assignment submission point with online text enabled. At a later stage, students will submit the URL of their recording as a record of their uploaded submission.

3. A Teacher creates a link to the Re:View assignment folder for students as well audio/video upload instructions

On the Moodle page, a Teacher should create a link to the Re:View assignment folder that students are expected to upload to. The most appropriate place is within the assignment description. Instructions should be sent to students about expectations for uploading to the Re:View assignment folder. Include:

  • The file format.
  • Instructions about file length.
  • Guidance on creating a recording.
  • Expectations around video content and how this should meet learning outcomes.
  • A further link to the Re:View assignment folder if appropriate.

4. Viewers upload recordings to Re:View assignment folder

Once a recording has been uploaded, students (Viewers) will not be able to see each other’s submissions. Creators can see all of the uploaded recordings in the assignment folder. The student who uploaded the recording can edit and/or remove it at any stage.

5. Students post URL to the recording to the Moodle submission point

Students should copy the URL from their video submission in Re:View and paste it into the online submission text box within the Moodle submission point. If enabled, they can upload additional files such as PowerPoint presentations.

6. Creators watch the recordings

Recordings can be watched by clicking on the URL from the Moodle submission point, or by navigating directly to the assignment folder in Re:View.

7. Teachers can give feedback using Moodle submission point

Teachers can use the Moodle grading tools to give feedback and grade student submissions.

8. Creators can allow viewers to watch other viewers’ recordings

Students can be allowed to see each other’s recordings if the assignment folder in Re:View is still open.

9. Creators should close the Re:View assignment folder to prevent any more uploads

Once the Re:View assignment folder is closed, it cannot be opened again for new uploads. The assignment folder does not have the functionality to handle extensions.

10. Creators can send a link to an external examiner or other staff at Bath

If someone other than the Teachers/Creators need to view the recordings, then they can be individually shared with either staff internally or external examiners.

Group audio and video assessment

Students can upload a video or audio recording to Re:View on behalf of a group. This could be a presentation, instructional video, screencast, or oral submission.

Recommended workflow:

1. A Creator creates an assignment folder within a Moodle-linked folder in Re:View

In Re:View, navigate to the Moodle-linked folder for your unit. Within the folder settings, create an assignment folder. Staff and students should not keep assessed recordings in a personal My Folder in case they leave, are absent from the University for a length of time, or change job role.

2. A Teacher creates groups and a Moodle group submission point with online text enabled

In Moodle, create a group assignment submission point with online text enabled. At a later stage, a students will submit the URL of their group’s recording as a record of their uploaded submission.

3. A Teacher creates a link to the Re:View assignment folder for students as well audio/video upload instructions

On the Moodle page, a Teacher should create a link to the Re:View assignment folder that one student from the group is expected to upload to. The most appropriate place is within the assignment description. Instructions should be sent to students about expectations for uploading to the Re:View assignment folder. Include:

  • The file format.
  • Instructions about file length.
  • Guidance on creating a recording.
  • Expectations around video content and how this should meet learning outcomes.
  • A further link to the Re:View assignment folder if appropriate.

4. One viewer from each group uploads a recording to Re:View assignment folder

One student from each group should be nominated to upload the recording to the Re:View assignment folder. Once a recording has been uploaded, students (Viewers) will not be able to see each other’s submissions. Creators can see all of the uploaded recordings in the assignment folder. The student who uploaded the recording can edit and/or remove it at any stage.

5. The student/Viewer who uploaded the recording shares it with the other students in their group

The student who uploaded the recording can hover over it and click ‘Share.’ They can enter the names of the other students in the group so that they can view the recording in the Re:View assignment folder.

6. The student who uploaded the recording posts the URL to the Moodle submission point

The student who uploaded the recording should copy the URL from their video submission in Re:View. They should paste it into the online submission text box within the Moodle submission point. If enabled, they can upload additional files such as PowerPoint presentations. This will count as their group’s submission and will be automatically attributed to all members of their group.

7. Creators watch the recordings

Recordings can be watched by clicking on the URL from the Moodle submission point, or by navigating directly to the assignment folder in Re:View.

8. Teachers can give feedback using Moodle submission point

Teachers can use the Moodle grading tools to give feedback and grade student submissions.

9. Creators can allow viewers to watch other viewers’ recordings

Students can be allowed to see each other’s recordings if the assignment folder in Re:View is still open.

10. Creators should close the Re:View assignment folder to prevent any more uploads

Once the Re:View assignment folder is closed, it cannot be opened again for new uploads. The assignment folder does not have the functionality to handle extensions.

11. Creators can send a link to an external examiner or other staff at Bath

If someone other than the Teachers/Creators need to view the recordings, then they can be individually shared with either staff internally or external examiners.

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