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Moodle is a widely used open-source learning management system that enables educators to provide online courses and training to learners. The University of Bath is one of many institutions to use Moodle to provide its students with engaging and interactive online learning experiences to extend and supplement their in-person studies.

Moodle logo - a large orange M letter wearing an acadmic cap.

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For Moodle instructional guides please see the Moodle section of our guidance portal or download our basic Getting Started with Moodle 4.1 guide.

Highlights from our Moodle guidance articles

Sharing recordings with multiple cohorts of students

Introduction There are three options to ensure that both current and previous students can access shared recordings: Option 1 – Share individual recordings. Option 2 – Share the entire Moodle-linked folder The recently added cohort will appear in the group list. The recordings will continue to appear in the Panopto…

Advanced Grading in Moodle

What is advanced grading? Advanced grading is a grading method that can be used in Moodle Assignments and Forums. Advanced grading allows Moodle Teachers to define one of two grading forms – either a Marking guide or a Rubric. How might I use it? To get set up, please view…

H5P – What is H5P?

What is H5P? H5P is an abbreviation for HTML5 Package. H5P aims to make it easy for teachers to create interactive content such as presentations, videos and other multimedia, questions, quizzes, games and more without the need of programming skills. It is integrated with Moodle, so anyone enrolled as a…