Published on: 01/08/2023 · Last updated on: 03/09/2024
What is the Learning and Teaching Hub?
The University of Bath Learning and Teaching Hub is designed to offer support and resources for all our staff. It’s your one-stop destination for pedagogical guidance, professional development opportunities and information about our innovative teaching tools. It also includes a detailed reference resource of hundreds of guidance articles to help you find answers to specific questions about our main teaching and learning platforms and applications.
Watch this orientation video for a quick overview of the site, and some tips on how to make the most of what’s here.
Guidance Articles on the Hub
If you have a specific question about a platform or application (i.e. our learning technologies), the guidance section of the hub can help. It’s divided into categories and groups of articles to help you find what you need quickly. We also have a range of articles to support your teaching, with practical advice to help you get started. We also showcase good practice through case studies developed with academic staff here at Bath.

General Pages
Our general pages offer a friendly starting point for information about professional development, teaching & assessment practices and the main learning technologies we use at Bath. We’ll also aim to keep the home page fresh, with new content appearing regularly to keep you informed.

Workshops and Events
The CLT provide a range of workshops and events throughout the year, and you can book your place right here on this site. When booking an event, we ask you to log in, which provides us with the means to contact you with reminders or pre-event information. You can also manage your bookings when logged into the site. Logging in is connected to your University Microsoft account and requires your full Bath email (in the format and your password.

The search facility will find articles or pages in this site. You can enter a keyword and wait for suggestions or click Enter on your keyboard to see a page of results.
Site Assistant
Wherever you visit in this site you’ll notice a blue question mark icon at the foot of the page. This is the Site Assistant and allows you to find and read any page or article. Think of this as your quick route to finding a resource.

The site is based on an accessible WordPress theme and the content added will endeavour to meet WCAG 2.1 AA standards. A link to the accessibility statement is found in the footer of each page.
The University is a place full of terminology and acronyms, so we’ve started a Glossary to clarify the terms that relate to the CLT. If we’ve missed something, please let us know.
CLT Communication
The CLT use several avenues to communicate with the University community, and you’ll find evidence of that around this site. You can also get news directly from our newsletter and blogs, straight to your email inbox. Visit each one to follow/subscribe.
Give us your feedback
The article pages on this site all have the option for you to give us feedback. This can be a simple thumbs up or thumbs down, or you can additionally add a comment. These will be reviewed at intervals throughout the year, and we will consider all suggestions for improvement. Note that comments added to Hub articles are not reviewed in ‘real time’ – If you are seeking assistance with a system or process please contact us using the usual recommended methods.

If you would prefer to email us with your feeedback, please do via