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  6. Moodle – Offline Assignment (formative)

Moodle – Offline Assignment (formative)

Assessment type: Offline formative

Below is the TEL recommended workflow for a Formative Offline Assignment using Moodle for Feedback. Please see here for Summative offline guidance. The guidance provided is for general use.

1. Provide detailed information about the Assignment

It’s important to provide all the necessary information for students about the Assignment, including marking criteria and hand-in dates and expectations. This could be provided via a detailed resource such as a Moodle Page.

2. Create an individual Assignment

Create a new assignment taking care to select an individual or Group setting as required. Don’t forget to use the Tag setting to flag the Assignment as ‘Formative’. See detailed guidance.

3. Hide the submission from Students (if appropriate)

By default, Grades/Feedback will be hidden from students until you release them. If, for example, students are submitting a Video assessment, you may want to allow them to submit a link to the Moodle Assignment, but if there is no submission via Moodle, hide the Assignment link from students. Students can then complete and hand-in their assessment via your agreed method

4. Provide feedback/annotations and marks on the submission

You can now add feedback and marks online in the Moodle grading interface or use the batch upload/download and grading worksheet to return marks and feedback.

Use of advanced marking and feedback approaches such as Marking Guides and Rubrics is also possible.

5. Release Marks and Feedback to Students with Marking Workflow

When you are ready to release marks and feedback to students, the simplest way to do this, and to send students a notification, is to use Marking Workflow. Please note that in order to release marks/feedback, you will also need to lift anonymity if the option was selected when the Assignment was created. Your students will now be able to review their marks and feedback in Moodle.

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