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  6. Mentimeter – Polling (formative)

Mentimeter – Polling (formative)

Published on: 29/09/2023 · Last updated on: 02/09/2024

Assessment Type: Quiz

Below are the TEL recommended workflows for formative polling using Mentimeter. The guidance provided is for general use.

In a teaching session using PowerPoint (synchronous)

Assess students’ understanding by using PowerPoint slides alongside Mentimeter polling.

Assess understanding in a teaching session (synchronous) using PowerPoint

1. Create your PowerPoint presentation

Include the Mentimeter participation QR code and/or URL which will be created as part of step 3.

2. Upload the PowerPoint to Moodle before your session for your students to access.

3. Create your Mentimeter question slides.

If useful for you, add a placeholder slide to your PowerPoint for each polling question you will use. Alternatively, add some text or a graphic to a slide as a reminder to pause and ask a question.

1. Log in to Mentimeter

Log in to Mentimeter, open your presentation (that contains the list of question slides you need), and click Present

2. Open PowerPoint

Open your PowerPoint and run it. Inform your students that during the course of the session, you will ask them to visit www.menti.com on their internet-enabled device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone) in order to answer polling questions.

3. Pose a polling question

When you reach a point in your presentation where you want to pose a polling question, switch to the web browser. On the GTA room PCs, this is done using ALT+tab on the keyboard.

4. Students respond

The first time students need to respond to a question, they should enter the relevant code displayed at the top of the question slide, via www.menti.com.

5. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the Mentimeter slide to manage your polling question.

6. When finished, return to the PowerPoint presentation using ALT+tab again.

7. Repeat steps 2-6 until you have completed your presentation.

1. The results from your polls will be stored in Mentimeter to refer to later.

Results from Mentimeter polling are anonymous.

In a teaching session not using PowerPoint (synchronous)

Assess students’ understanding by using Mentimeter polling question types on their own.

Assess understanding in a teaching session (synchronous) not using PowerPoint

  1. Create your Mentimeter question slides.

You may also want to distribute the Mentimeter participation QR code and/or URL to students in advance of the session.

1. Log in to Mentimeter

Log in to Mentimeter, open your presentation (that contains the list of question slides you need), and click Present

2. Inform students

Inform your students that during the course of the session, you will ask them to visit www.menti.com on their internet-enabled device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone) in order to answer polling questions.

3. Students respond

The first time students need to respond to a question, they should enter the relevant code displayed at the top of the question slide, via www.menti.com.

4. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the Mentimeter slide to manage your polling questions.

1. The results from your polls will be stored in Mentimeter to refer to later.

Results from Mentimeter polling are anonymous.

Presenter-paced polling in a teaching session (asynchronous)

Assess students’ understanding by using Mentimeter presenter-paced polling in a teaching session.

Presenter-paced polling in a teaching session (asynchronous)

  1. Create your first Mentimeter question slide

In Settings, change Presentation Pace to Audience Pace.

2. Add further question slides.

These will default to Audience Pace.

  1. Log in to Mentimeter

Log in to Mentimeter, open your presentation (that contains the list of question slides you need), and click Present.

2. Inform students

Inform your students that during the course of the session, you will ask them to visit www.menti.com on their internet-enabled device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone) in order to answer polling questions.

3. Students respond

The first time students need to respond to a question, they should enter the relevant code displayed at the top of the question slide, via www.menti.com.

4. Students can navigate through the questions at their own pace

5. Close the poll.

Once students have answered the questions, close the poll. To do this click on Share. Click on the Participation tab. Change Anyone With The Link to No-one (closed).

  1. The results from your polls will be stored in Mentimeter to refer to later.

Results from Mentimeter polling are anonymous.

Presenter-paced polling outside of a teaching session (asynchronous)

Assess students’ understanding by using Mentimeter presenter-paced polling outside of a teaching session.

Presenter-paced polling outside of a teaching session (asynchronous)

  1. Create your first Mentimeter question slide

In Settings, change Presentation Pace to Audience Pace.

2. Add further question slides.

These will default to Audience Pace.

3. Set the availability of the poll

By default, the voting code is set to 2 days. To change this click on Share. Click on the Participation tab. Next to the Temporary voting code section, click Expand. Change to 7 or 14 days.
Alternatively, do not set a duration if you are planning to manually close the poll at a time of your choosing

4. Share the poll with students

Share the poll with students. To do this click on Share. Click on the Participation tab. Share the voting code if you have set a duration. Or share the QR code/URL if you plan to manually close the poll at a time of your choosing.

  1. Students respond to questions

Students can navigate through the questions at their own pace.

2. Close polling

The poll will close automatically after a set time. Or alternatively, manually close the poll. To do this click on Share. Click on the Participation tab. Copy the voting link or download the QR code to share with students.

  1. The results from your polls will be stored in Mentimeter to refer to later.

Results from Mentimeter polling are anonymous.

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