Published on: 15/09/2023 · Last updated on: 02/09/2024
Assessment Type: Coursework
Below is the TEL recommended workflow for formative H5P assessments in Moodle. H5P is not recommended for summative assessment, as grades and attempts may not be recorded properly for the activity. The guidance provided below is for general use.
Recommended Workflow:
1. Create your H5P object in the Content Bank
You should create your H5P object with a descriptive name in the ‘Content bank’ on the relevant Moodle course. Alternatively, you can also create your H5P object outside of Moodle and upload the H5P resource into the ‘Content bank’; however, please remember that there is a 50mb upload limit for Moodle.
Click here for more detailed guidance on creating your H5P object in the ‘Content bank’.
2. Add your H5P object to your Moodle page
After you have created or uploaded your H5P object into the ‘Content bank’, go to the relevant section of your Moodle page and add an H5P Activity by turning editing on, selecting “+ Add an activity or resource” and adding a new H5P activity.
Give your assessment a sensible name and a description detailing the activity and its learning objectives. Under ‘Package file’ choose ‘Content bank’ and select the correct H5P object. You can choose to add the object as a copy or link to the file. “Link to the file” means that if the original H5P object is altered in the content bank, the object in the assessment will reflect any changes. A copy will not show any changes made to the original from the ‘Content bank’. Please note, if you make changes to an H5P object that has been attempted by students, the student’s grade and attempt will not be altered. Students will need to reattempt the assessment in order for changes to be reflected in their submission.
Make the appropriate choices for the rest of the settings of your assessment.
Click here for more detailed guidance on adding your H5P object to your Moodle page.
3.Have students attempt the H5P assessment
Students will attempt the H5P assessment within Moodle.
4. Review the H5P assessment attempts
It is advised to review H5P assessment attempts to identify any issues with questions and to gain a better understanding of the areas in which your students may need additional support.
Notes on Archiving Policy
An archive snapshot of Moodle is taken every year on or around the 1st August, with previous versions of Moodle being available in the Moodle Archive. Any H5P object present in Moodle at the time of the snapshot will be available in the archive to any student or member of staff who was enrolled in the course at the time the snapshot was taken. If you don’t want an H5P activity to be present in the archive copy of your unit, remember to remove it ahead of the archive snapshot.