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  6. Moodle – Quiz (formative)

Moodle – Quiz (formative)

Assessment Type: In Class test

Follow these recommendations for formative Quiz Activities to simplify question bank management and control the release of grades/feedback to students.

1. Complete the Quiz Notification Form

You need to complete the Quiz Notification Form so we can provision Moodle resources. Unauthorised quizzes may crash Moodle, affecting the assessment experience for all our students. We ask that you provide at least 7 days notice.

2. Create Questions in the Question Bank

You should create questions with a descriptive name in the Question Bank on the relevant Moodle course.


3. Creating a Quiz Activity

Create a new Quiz Activity and amend the following Settings:

  • Under Description: add general instructions and information (this will be visible to students before the quiz starts)
  • Under Timings: set the open, close times and duration of the quiz attempt.
  • Under Review Options: set how much information and feedback goes back to students.
  • Under Tags: add the “Formative” tag, which ensure the Quiz is listed in the Essential Unit Information area for staff/students.

4. Adding questions to the Quiz

Once you have created the Quiz Activity, you now must populate it with the questions from the Question Bank.

To add questions to the Quiz, click the Activity settings cog, then the ‘Edit quiz’ button. You then select “Add” > “from Question bank” to insert question(s).

You should preview the quiz to check the display of questions and the correct answers.

5. Run the Quiz

Students attempt the Quiz on Moodle.

6. Review the quiz attempts

It is advised to review the quiz attempts to identify any errors with a question.

Option – if you have used the Essay question type, you will need to manually grade the response.

7. Distribute grades and feedback to students

Grades and feedback will be automatically returned to students based on the Review Options settings you set in step 3.

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