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  6. SAMIS integration block – managing enrolments

SAMIS integration block – managing enrolments

Prior to using the Manage Mappings interface, it would be helpful to read about the SAMIS intergration block interface.

Adding SAMIS cohort mappings

This process will add one or multiple SAMIS cohorts to a Moodle space (or to link a non-SAMIS coded space with a SAMIS cohort) in order to populate it with participants.

  • Locate the SAMIS Integration block and press the Manage Mappings link.
  • At this point, a new window will open up.  This window will display a list of the spaces that you have Teacher access to.  Identify the space to which you wish to add additional cohorts and expand the reference to it by pressing the expand icon (+).
  • Click the Add cohort button.
  • Enter the relevant cohort details (e.g. LT00021, 2016/7, S1) including your preferred un-enrolment method.
  • Click the Create Mapping button. 
  • This mapping will save automatically, though you may wish to press the Save Changes button for peace of mind.
  • Repeat the process to add more than one user defined mapping.

Note:  Course mappings can also be created which enable Teachers to enrol a specific year group or all year groups as required, using the appropriate course code.

Removing SAMIS cohort mappings

This process will remove one or multiple SAMIS cohorts to a Moodle space in order to remove the corresponding participants.

  • Locate the SAMIS Integration block and press the Manage Mappings link.
  • There are two methods of removing participants (depending on whether the SAMIS Integration block lists a mapping as Default or not). 

Removing default cohorts

  • Find the space from which you wish to remove a cohort (if you have many spaces, you may wish to use the Search facility to help you locate the relevant one).
  • Identify the space to which you wish to remove cohorts and expand the reference to it by clicking the expand icon (+).
  • Identify the cohort that you would like to remove from the space and change the Unenrol method to Specified and change the unenrolment date to a date that has passed.
  • Save Changes and Sync Course (to update the enrolments based on your chosen unenrolment date).

Removing manually (or bespoke) mapped cohorts

  • Find the space from which you wish to remove a cohort (if you have many spaces, you may wish to use the Search facility to help you locate the relevant one).
  • Identify the space to which you wish to remove cohorts and expand the reference to it by clicking the expand icon (+).
  • Identify the cohort that you would like to remove from the space and press the Remove cohort button. The cohort’s name will become greyed out showing that it has been removed.  Once you are happy with the change that you’ve made, press the Save Changes button.

Modifying SAMIS cohort mappings

When a cohort mapping reaches its end date, it will expire and be removed from the Moodle space (along with the relevant students).

In order to minimise disruption to students, it’s always a good idea to check the unenrolment dates for the cohort are set to your specific requirements in advance of the mapping expiring. 

  • Locate the SAMIS Integration block and click the Manage Mappings link.
  • At this point, a new window will open up.  This window will display a list of all of the courses that you have Teacher access to. 
  • Find the space from which you wish to remove a cohort (if you have many spaces, you may wish to use the Search facility to help you locate the relevant one).
  • Identify the space you wish to modify and expand the reference to it by pressing the expand icon (+).
  • It is possible to change the un-enrolment method to a Specified unenrolment before modifying the relevant date – remembering to also press the Save Changes button. 
  • In the case of the user defined mapping, there is the additional option of selecting a Manual un-enrolment method (enabling the cohort to be retained in the course indefinitely – or until the Remove Cohort button is pressed), before also pressing the Save Changes button.

Managing expired mappings

Students on these cohorts will have been removed from the Moodle space, if a synchronisation with SAMIS has taken place.

If a cohort mapping is no longer listed alongside the relevant space within the SAMIS Integration block, one of two things may have happened.

  1. A teacher on the Moodle course has chosen to remove the mapping – to restore this mapping, you will need to follow the instructions above for Adding SAMIS cohort mappings.
  2. The unenrolment date of the mapping has been reached and the mapping has expire – to restore this mapping, you will need to follow the instructions above for Modifying SAMIS cohort mappings.

Information to remember

  • Mappings synchronise with SAMIS every morning during the working week. 
  • To synchronise all cohort mappings with SAMIS immediately, for any given Moodle space, you should press the Sync Course button.
  • To view all enrolled users including their unenrolment conditions, press the View Enrolled Users button.
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