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  7. Moodle Quiz – What is a Moodle Quiz?

Moodle Quiz – What is a Moodle Quiz?

What is Moodle Quiz?

The Quiz is a powerful activity that can meet many teaching needs, from simple, multiple-choice knowledge tests to complex, self-assessment tasks with detailed feedback.

The video below offers an overview of the Moodle Quiz activity:

Moodle Quiz activity has various settings that allow you to modify how and when students can attempt a Quiz, as well as the type of feedback students can receive. It is strongly recommended to read the appropriate Quiz set-up instructions before setting up your quiz.

Summative Moodle Quiz Set-up Instructions

Formative Moodle Quiz Set-up Instructions

Notify TEL before your Moodle Quiz

You MUST notify TEL about your quiz at least 7-days in advance. Quizzes place a particular strain on the Moodle server, so it is important that the team is made aware of your plans, in advance, so that we can liaise with our Moodle hosts and take appropriate steps to mitigate against unexpected service degradation or loss.

Please also familiarise yourself with the Moodle Service Level Agreement as this includes details of scheduled maintenance windows that may impact students attempting your quiz.

Moodle Doc: Moodle Quiz Quick Guide

Learning & Teaching Hub: Moodle Quizzes

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