Blog – FAQs

Frequently asked questions

It’s recommended only to allow this feature if you have a specific audience in mind as opening comments to the wider public can increase the risk of spam.  You may want students to seek wider comments from people in a particular field (i.e. subject experts) or in a particular organisation (i.e. on placement) and this feature can be useful for that.

  • If the blog has been set up to allow worldwide comments, then people with the permalink to the blog post can view it and leave comments.  These comments do not immediately appear on the blog, as first the author of the post will need to approve them.
  • The author will receive a notification email to alert them to a new comment.
  • In the blog the author will see a link to approve the comment.  A security warning message will also display to remind the author to be careful with any content that might be suspicious (i.e. spam with links to websites).
  • The author can approve or reject the comment.

Individual blog posts can be shared to a parent blog.  The parent blog will need to be given an ID (in settings) which is then added to the individual blog settings.  Be aware that using this feature can result in unexpected events depending on the combination of settings you choose.

  • When a blog activity is selected you will see a new block appear in the side panel, called blog usage.  This provides an overview of blog activity and quick links to access posts and comments.
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