CHOICE – 100 – An introduction to education literature and how to find what you need

Target Audience

Probationers: This is a choice, but highly recommended for anyone who is unfamiliar with the education literature and particularly those whose home discipline is quite different (e.g. uses quantitative data). This session also gives you time to work on your claim with support.
Highly recommended for: Anyone claiming any of the categories of HEA fellowship through the Pathways to HEA Fellowship (Pathways). In particular, those that have not used the education literature before and especially those whose home discipline is quite different (e.g. uses quantitative data).
Of interest to: This may be of interest to those who wish to use the education literature for developing their teaching in general who are not writing a claim for Fellowship. But some of the session will be targeted to thinking about how to include it in a claim for Fellowship.

Event Details

If you would like support with finding and using the literature and are unable to make this session, content equivalent to that discussed in the session can be found at the bottom of the Fellowship hub page. Ways of including the education literature is also something that can be discussed as part of Write Here Write Now.

This session is designed for those who need to find and use the education literature to support their claim for (any category of) HEA fellowship. The format of the sessions will be an interactive workshop.

It will include:

  • An overview of the types of education literature
  • How to use it in your narrative to support and evidence your claim
  • A brief introduction to how to search for relevant items using an education database
  • An opportunity to spend time finding references for your claim
Learning Outcomes

After attending this workshop, participants will have

  • Considered how they can use the education literature as part of their Fellowship claim
  • Found some references to support their claim.

Joining instructions and any pre course work will be sent out one week before delivery of the session.

Please note: for those not on probation, a record of attendance will be uploaded to iTrent for staff development purposes. Please indicate in the ‘Specific Requirements’ box when booking if you do NOT wish for your attendance to be uploaded to iTrent.


9:30 AM - 11:05 AM


Main Campus (3E 3.1)


Book your place

** University of Bath staff should log in before completing the booking form **

Bookings are closed for this event.