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  5. Exporting portfolio content

Exporting portfolio content

How do students take their portfolio with them? 

  • Students can navigate to Export under the Main Menu > Manage > Export menu. 
  • Selecting the relevant options, they can then click Generate Export

This downloads a zipped folder of content that contains two methods for students to access their portfolio: 

  1. A self-contained HTML website with your portfolio data. You cannot import this again to Mahara, but it is readable in a standard web browser 
  2. A Leap2A XML format file. You can later use this to import your data into other Leap2A-compliant systems, although note the export is hard for humans to read. 

Note: Any work created or uploaded directly to a Group will not be included in your exported portfolio. Therefore, if you need to include work from a Group you have worked in, make sure you copy it to your personal portfolio before exporting. 

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