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  6. Supporting student recorded presentations

Supporting student recorded presentations

Published on: 31/10/2024 · Last updated on: 31/10/2024


This article provides guidance for staff to help support students as they create and submit recorded presentations for assessment. You may wish to copy, edit and share this guidance with your students alongside the student guide to Panopto. 

1. Encourage students to plan and storyboard their content 

Students should take their time to understand what they have been asked to do as adding extra content or making corrections to a recording can be time consuming and difficult. Most of the work involved in the project is in this first stage.  

Suggest that they: 

  • Outline the key points they want to cover. 
  • Create a script or bullet points to stay on track. Some applications such as ClipChamp will overlay a script over your presentation which can help to minimise mistakes or hesitation. 
  • Storyboard more complex or creative recordings. 
  • Practice their presentation to ensure smooth delivery. Speaker Coach in PowerPoint allows students to rehearse and afterwards provides an evaluation of their delivery. 

2. Recording space and equipment 

It is important for students to record in the right environment. 

  • Students should find a quiet location with minimal background noise.
  • If the presenters are being captured, they should try to find a space with good lighting, preferably natural light or a well-lit room.  
  • If possible, position the web camera at the presenter’s eye level. 
  • Use a reliable webcam or smartphone with good video quality.
  • Ensure their microphone captures clear audio; consider using an external mic or headset.    
  • Test their equipment beforehand to avoid technical issues.   

3. Recording their presentation 

The following software can be recommended to students.  

During the recording process, encourage students to: 

  • Speak clearly and at a moderate pace. 
  • Make sure their slides or other visual aids are clearly visible and fit with their script.  

4. Editing their presentation 

 Suggest to students that they perform post-recording editing. 

  • They should watch their recording to check for any mistakes or areas for improvement.  
  • Use editing software such as ClipChamp to trim any unnecessary parts and enhance audio/video quality. Alternatively, basic edits can be completed once the recording has been uploaded to Panopto. 
  • Add any necessary titles, captions, or transitions.  

5. The finished recording 

In your unit’s Moodle space, provide students with instructions about where to submit recordings, links, and files. 

Students should upload their finished recording to the Panopto assignment folder. Before they do that, they should: 

  • Save their final video in a common format like .MP4. 
  • Give the recording an appropriate title (the character limit in Panopto is 199 characters). You should provide clear instructions on naming conventions. For example, ED30111_student_name_presentationtopic  

6. Set up a draft recording folder in Panopto 

Staff could set up an assignment folder in Panopto for students to practice how to upload recordings. Set up an assignment folder in your Moodle-linked folder, give students a timeframe to upload recordings, and then close the assignment folder. Once closed, you can create a new assignment folder for the final video submissions. 

7. Supporting group presentations 

You may require students to work in groups. The following advice and links may help the group work process go smoothly. 

  • One nominated student member of each group must  upload their recording to the Assignment folder. Other students should be aware that they will not be able to see this recording. 
  • For summative assessment, the nominated student in the group should paste the link to the uploaded recording and submit in the Moodle assignment submission point on behalf of the group.
  • Using their University of Bath Microsoft 365 accounts, students may take advantage Microsoft’s software to collaborate, communicate, and record. 
  • Organise meetings through Microsoft Teams. 
  • Record group presentations through Microsoft Teams – students can take turns presenting.
  • Create shared presentations using Microsoft PowerPoint. 
  • Use Microsoft OneDrive to share and collaborate on documents. For example, plans made in Microsoft Word or draft PowerPoint slides.  

8. Provide examples 

Share exemplary video presentations from past students (with permission) to set clear expectations. 

9. Utilise peer support 

Facilitate discussions using Moodle forums where students can share tips and experiences. You may even ask for students who have previous recording and editing experience to act as buddys for other students. 

A key consideration is copyright. It is strongly recommended that students use images that are free of copyrights. They could avoid copyright considerations by drawing their own images, or taking their own photographs. 

The library has further information about finding images, referencing images, and copying images and the law. 


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