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  5. Getting started with Mentimeter

Getting started with Mentimeter

Published on: 28/04/2023 · Last updated on: 06/03/2025

Signing into Mentimeter

We have a campus wide Mentimeter license, so staff and students alike can create Mentimeter presentations by signing in via SSO as described above. If you have trouble logging in please contact the TEL team.

  • Visit the Mentimeter website: Log in to your account – Mentimeter
  • Click the Log in with SSO link.
  • Search for University of Bath and click Continue.
  • Sign into the Microsoft pop-up with your university email address (in the format username@bath.ac.uk) and password, and you will see the Mentimeter dashboard page, with your profile details visible on the top right.

Create your first presentation

Visit Mentimeter Help for simple instructions on creating your first Mentimeter presentation. Mentimeter presentations will contain your polling slides.

How do I prepare students to use it effectively?

Students may already be familiar with polling software as many will have used online quizzes and apps throughout their school life. You may need to give some students warning that you will be using polling software in upcoming teaching sessions. Before the session remind students to bring a charged mobile device or laptop.

Allow extra time in your first session for technical issues and treat it as a trial run if you have not used polling software before – include just two questions before using the tool in more depth in subsequent sessions. Be explicit about the purpose of using polling software, e.g. for formative assessment, for research, for anonymous feedback, or to stimulate discussion.

Using PowerPoint to present lecture slides, interspersed with polling questions, is common in some polling tools.  While it is possible to add Mentimeter question slides to PowerPoint using an add-in, we recommend a slightly different approach.

Before your session

  1. Create your PowerPoint presentation.
  2. Upload this to Moodle before your session, for your students to access.
  3. Create your Mentimeter question slides.  If you intend to use polling frequently, it will be helpful to create folders in Mentimeter to organise your questions/presentations. 
  4. You can add an instruction slide so students know what to do to access the polling questions.

During your session

  1. At the start of your teaching session:
    • Log in to Mentimeter, open your presentation (that contains the list of question slides you need) and click Present
    • From the Start menu, open your PowerPoint presentation, and run it
    • Inform your students that during the session you will ask them to visit www.menti.com on their internet-enabled device (PC, laptop, tablet, smartphone) in order to answer polling questions.
  2. When you reach a point in your presentation where you want to pose a polling question, switch to the web browser. On the GTA room PCs, this is done using ALT+tab on the keyboard.
  3. The first-time students need to respond to a question, they should enter the relevant code displayed at the top of the question slide, via www.menti.com.
  4. Use the toolbar at the bottom of the Mentimeter slide to manage your polling question.
  5. When finished, return to the PowerPoint presentation using ALT+tab again.
  6. You can repeat steps 6-9 until you have completed your presentation.

After your session

11. The results from your polls will be stored in Mentimeter to refer to later.

Short introductory overview video (3m):

How to create your first Mentimeter presentation.

Full walkthrough demonstration (57m)

Watch the online demonstration.

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