Inclusive Learning & Teaching

Supporting the diverse needs of our learners

The University of Bath is committed to the curriculum principle of designing inclusive learning and teaching. This principle is important so that all students can develop a sense of belonging, purpose, and identity. Supportive approaches to content and assessments promotes student integration into the learning community. 

Inclusive learning and teaching recognises the differing needs of students at all levels, particularly those who represent communities that may have been marginalised or historically underrepresented.

Our guidance pages provide information on different areas of practice, including: student transition into university, decolonising the curriculum, support for students with disabilities, and addressing attainment differentials.To explore these guidance pages, continue to the ‘Further Guidance and Resources’ section of this page. 

Benefits of Inclusive Learning & Teaching

Cartoon hands raised.

Increased Participation

When students feel like they can attend lectures and seminars without being judged by (and for) their abilities, identities, or backgrounds, they are enabled to fully participate and engage in their learning.

Cartoon person moving up.

Increased Motivation

Feeling included provides students with a sense of belonging, which increases students’ motivation and ability to learn.

Cartoon graduation caps.

Increased likelihood of success

Students with equitable access to higher education aren’t required to overcome additional barriers to learning and therefore have an equal chance of success, regardless of their background, personal circumstances, and identities.

Students sitting around a laptop.

What is Inclusive Teaching?

A brief overview of inclusive learning and teaching and how it benefits both staff and students.

Patterns Beyond Labels

Our ‘Patterns Beyond Labels’ approach is a framework for inclusive teaching that supports all teaching staff.

A group of students

4 students

3Rs- Remove, Reduce and Rethink

Guidance on approaching your lessons and assessments to support the diverse needs of your students.

Further Guidance and Resources

Click on the appropriate topic to learn more.

How can we support you?

Contact the CLT for support with inclusive learning and teaching practice. We would be delighted to help you consider relevant approaches for your discipline and student cohort.