CT Community of Practice

This Community of Practice is for all those involved in preparations to launch CT courses, particularly department CT leads. The aim of the CoP is to create a supportive, collaborative and exemplar network, where peers can come together to hear the experience others. We’ll also share top tips, approaches, lessons learnt and briefings that will provide support and confidence with CT course preparations and implementation.

How to join

The CoP meets every one to two months. Upcoming sessions will be listed here when scheduled. 

Please let Ben Miller (bbam20@bath.ac.uk) know if you would like the CoP to focus on a particular element of CT. We are keen the CoP is valuable to everyone involved.

Watch recent sessions

Recordings of recent sessions are available to watch via the links below.

Recording from the meeting on the 4th July 2024.

An insight into ‘team teaching’ approaches from colleagues in POLIS, Chemical Engineering, and Chemistry, reflecting on how CT has prompted changes to the structure of teaching delivery and how departments have found ways to manage this successfully.

An overview of the new assessment regulations (recorded 02 November 2023): Kate Norris and Lorna Joscelyne from Academic Registry, and Fran Laughton from the Department of Physics, will provide a briefing on the recent transition to new assessment regulations.

Embedding impactful assessment and feedback (recorded 14 September 2023): Abby Osborne introduced practical tools and guidance to help course teams review assessments for their newly launched CT courses. The session outlined practical next steps that can be taken to ensure new course assessment practices are impactful for students and sustainable for busy staff.

Preparing to launch your course (recorded 29 June 2023): This first meeting included a sharing session from the Vanguard courses, including top tips and priorities for launching year one of CT courses, and resources to help plan and prepare.