Experiential Pathway

The Experiential Pathway is open to all staff (not on probation) wishing to develop an application for Advance HE Fellowship. The pathway provides support and guidance from beginning your application through to submission.

Which category of fellowship should I apply for?

Through the Pathways to Fellowship schemes, Bath is accredited by Advance HE to make awards in the following categories:

The most appropriate category for you will depend on your experience and the context of your current role. Fellowship categories do not necessarily correspond to the seniority of your role, and we recommend using the Advance HE Category Tool to help you consider which may be most relevant to you.

You can also review these pen portraits, to give you an idea of the experience and development that is required.

What are the benefits?

Fellowship demonstrates a personal and institutional commitment to professionalism in learning and teaching in higher education. Achieving Fellowship gives you:

  • recognition of your professional practice in learning and teaching
  • evidence you can use for promotion
  • an opportunity to benchmark your professional practice against the Professional Standards Framework 2023 (PSF)

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What does the application involve?

Applications take the form of a written submission in which you reflect on how your experience and practice aligns to the Professional Standards Framework 2023 (PSF 2023). In addition, you will be asked for supporting statements from colleagues who are able to verify the content of your application. The submission length and expectations of evidence vary depending on the category being applied for.

Read a summary of submission requirements.

Applications are reviewed by our reviewer team, comprised of staff across the University who have achieved fellowship themselves, and awards are formally approved by the Fellowship Panel. There are three opportunities in each academic year to submit your application.

See the submission deadlines for academic year 2024-25.

What support is available to me?

Your Fellowship Champion is your primary source of information and support about applying for fellowship. They will be happy to help you explore the fellowship process and guide you as you develop your application.

The CLT Pathways team also offer regular, monthly one-to-one sessions where you can book a time to speak to one of the team.

New for 2024-25: For those applying for Senior or Principal Fellowship in 2024-25, a number of additional workshops are available as part of a pilot programme with other universities in the South-West. View the programme of events to make your booking.

How do I join the Experiential Pathway?

To formally join the Experiential Pathway, staff are required to attend two introductory sessions:

  • Introduction to AFHEA/FHEA or SFHEA: this session provides a short overview of the fellowship application process and helps ensure all participants have the relevant information to make an informed decision about whether to apply and to which category of fellowship.
  • Getting started on your fellowship application (AFHEA/FHEA/SFHEA): this follow-up session, for those ready to commence their application, is designed to help participants begin to reflect on their experience and practice and start to make links to the Professional Standards Framework 2023 as a basis for their written application.

Details of upcoming introduction sessions are available from the CLT events webpage. Please select the session relevant to the category of Fellowship you are interested in applying for.

Who do I contact for more information?

Contact your Fellowship Champion in the first instance.

If you aren’t sure who your Champion is, or have a more general query, please feel free to contact the CLT Pathways team using acdev@bath.ac.uk.