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  5. Xerte – How to use it

Xerte – How to use it


If you want to dive straight in you can use our Xerte Guide to get started. This covers basic use of the software. However, as Xerte has a significant number of options, which can take some time to navigate, you may want to try out one of the instrucitonal templates described below.

Visit our guidance, built in Xerte.

Use Instructional Templates

Xerte is an authoring tool that allows you to build online, interactive learning resources.  In 2018, staff from Deltion College (Netherlands) shared a range of instructional templates (via creative commons licence) which we have used as the basis for six instructional templates. These can be directly accessed from within Xerte.

For details on using templates and to see what they look like, please visit the Xerte Instructional Templates resource.

Xerte instructional templates.

When to use templates

The aim of the templates is to provide authors with the ability to create small (one concept) learning resources, which include some element of interactivity.

  • Concepts can be explained via text (plain, columns, accordion), images, video or audio.
  • Interactivity can be introduced via quizzes (self-marking with substantive feedback), short written answers (with model answers) or ordering activities.
Template Xerte pages Content type Instructional purpose
Flipped Teaching
Aim: students watch a video, check their understanding, and reflect on what they know because of watching. When to use: 
  • At the start of a new topic
  • Before an active learning session
Title Text (+image) Set context
Columns Text (+image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Columns Text (+image) Lesson instructions and learning objective
Media lesson Video Watch/listen to media content
Quiz Text (+image) Media content knowledge check
Model answer Text (+image) Reflect on learning
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (+image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info
Case Study
Aim: students read about a sole case, or multiple cases, and reflect on related questions to critically analyse a situation. When to use:
  • At the end of a topic to check the application of prior knowledge to given scenarios
  • Before assessment tasks to practice skills in analysing a situation and offering solutions through the integration of theory and practice
Title Text (image) Set context
Columns Text (image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Quiz Text (image) Prior-knowledge check
Multi-navigator Text (image) Case description
Model answer Text (image) Reflect on case details
Multi-navigator Text (image) Case description
Model answer Text (image) Reflect on case details
Multi-navigator Text (image) Case description
Model answer Text (image) Reflect on case details
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info
Test to Learn
Aim: To test knowledge from 6 randomly generated questions (from a bank of 12 or more). Feedback is immediate allowing students to reflect on any misunderstandings. When to use: 
  • At the end of a topic to check understanding of key themes that have been recently taught
Title Text (image) Set context
Columns Text (image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Quiz Text (image) Knowledge check
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info
Determine Prior Information
Aim: To test prior knowledge of a topic. When to use:
  • Before starting a new topic or revisiting an old one, so that students can understand any gaps they may have
Title Text (image) Set context
Columns Text (image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Quiz Text (image) Prior-knowledge check
Model answer Text (image) Open-ended knowledge check
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info
Learn a Concept in 5 Minutes
Aim: To allow students to quickly learn a new topic. When to use:
  • In preparation for a new topic when some basic prior knowledge would be helpful
  • For identified gaps in knowledge
Title Text (image) Set context
Columns Text (image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Media lesson Video Explanation
Plain text Video Explanation
Multi-navigator Text (image) Explanation
Audio slideshow Audio (text) Explanation
Graphics & sound Text (image) Explanation
Quiz Text (image) Knowledge check
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info
Practical Skills Procedure
Aim: To allow students to check their prior learning of a given procedure, then after some explanation check their new understanding. When to use:
  • To prepare for practical activities that require a series of steps or processes
Title Text (image) Set context
Columns Text (image) Technical instructions and approx. timings
Timeline Text (image) Procedure explained
Model answer Text (image) Open ended knowledge check
Media lesson Video Explanation
Plain text Video Explanation
Multi-navigator Text (image) Explanation
Button sequence Text (image) Explanation
Timeline Text (image) Procedure knowledge check
Quiz Text (image) Knowledge check
Results Text Review results and download
Columns Text (image) Not applicable – credits and CC licence info

Pros and cons

  • Built with accessibility in mind, Xerte can support the creation of accessible online material.
  • The templates are based on some common learning activities that you may already be familar with, and therefore adapting mateiral you already have should be straightforward.
  • Authoring time is saved in the initial structural set up of your resource, whilst still retaining the flexibility for you to adapt and change it.
  • It’s possible to adapt existing material you may have (in Word or PowerPoint formats) into online resources that enable students to carry out activities to consolidate their understanding
  • The resources can be used for formative learning and embedded in Moodle or provided from a direct web link, allowing students to access resources without the need to log into a service.
  • Any extraneous material in the templates can easily be hidden or deleted.
  • Although there are six templates, you may not find one suitable to the online activity you want to create.  The templates are flexible in that they can be adapted to suit your needs, however you may want to consider sharing your activity idea with TEL so we can work with you to create a new template.
  • Although the Xerte tool has been specifically developed for non-experts, there is still a learning curve in being able to use it effectively.  There is a Xerte Guide to help get authors started, but TEL can provide training so please get in touch.
  • Accessibility in online resources is key, and although Xerte was built with accessibility in mind, the content added by authors still needs to meet the relevant standards.  Using header styles, adding alt text to images and being careful with contrast between text and the background can overcome this issue.

Ideas for future template designs

The six templates described above are the first attempt to provide such a feature in Xerte.  Please share your feedback with the TEL team via tel@bath.ac.uk and if you have an idea for a new template, please submit it via the form below.

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