CORE – 008 – Designing units and courses / University of Bath Unit Approval process

Target Audience

Probationers: Core Session and mandatory (priority will be offered to probationers, if the session proves very popular).
Highly recommended for: colleagues engaged in unit design/re-approval

Event Details

We will look at the reality of developing units/courses according to University of Bath and national standards for HE, the framework for HE qualifications (FHEQ) (QAA requirements for design and assessment and benchmark statements).

This will include the process and procedures that are involved at the University for the approval of Units. Pedagogic tools to pitch level of learning and for writing effective intended learning outcomes (ILOs). The session will outline the approach to curriculum design used at the University of Bath and the Bath Blend for teaching in both online and in person contexts.

We will also outline tools and resources to enable participants to evaluate their units and courses and to gain a better understanding of their role and be active in the ongoing development of their units and courses.

Learning Outcomes
  • Be aware of the national frameworks, regulatory, legislative and quality requirements that determine standards in HE learning, teaching and assessment design
  • Be aware of pedagogic, theories, tools that assist in curriculum/ learning design in HE
  • Understand the University of Bath context, e.g. curriculum principles, approval process and requirements

Optional follow-up task – Be able to write clear effective ILOs to access appropriate levels of HE learning

Joining instructions and any pre course work will be sent out one week before delivery of the session.

Please note: for those not on probation, a record of attendance will be uploaded to iTrent for staff development purposes. Please indicate in the ‘Specific Requirements’ box when booking if you do NOT wish for your attendance to be uploaded to iTrent.


1:30 PM - 4:05 PM


Main Campus (CB 5.12)


Book your place

** University of Bath staff should log in before completing the booking form. Login button can be found at the top right of the page. **

Bookings are closed for this event.