CORE – 005 – Assessment and Feedback for Learning

Target Audience

Probationers: Core and mandatory (priority will be offered to probationers, if the session proves very popular).
Highly recommended for: Anyone writing their fellowship application
Of interest to: People thinking about new forms of assessment and feedback

Event Details

This session will include activities such as:

  • Discussing how we can make marking fair
  • Considering what authentic assessment would look like for different disciplines
  • Designing the assessment and feedback cycles to enable learning from feedback.
  • Considering how we can support students in reflecting on and learning from feedback
  • Envisioning what a reflective narrative for A3 of the UKPSF could look like
Learning Outcome

As a result of this session you should be able to:

  • Reflect on your assessment and feedback practice and decide the valid options for your context
  • Assess and give feedback in line with good practice principles and QA policy

Joining instructions and any pre course work will be sent out one week before delivery of the session.

If you are required to do this workshop and cannot make the F2F session because you do not work that day or need to work remotely, there is an option to do an asynchronous option that will run from this date for 3 weeks. We will require you to read about one of the topics and share your learning with a peer. You will be required to submit a short reflection based on this conversation and a plan for developing a claim for A3. Please indicate in the ‘Specific Requirements’ box when booking if you require this option.

Please note: for those not on probation, a record of attendance will be uploaded to iTrent for staff development purposes. Please indicate in the ‘Specific Requirements’ box when booking if you do NOT wish for your attendance to be uploaded to iTrent.


1:30 PM - 4:05 PM


Main Campus (CB 5.12)


Book your place

** University of Bath staff should log in before completing the booking form. Login button can be found at the top right of the page. **

Bookings are closed for this event.