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  6. Checklist for writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Checklist for writing Intended Learning Outcomes (ILOs)

Published on: 28/06/2023 · Last updated on: 03/09/2024

Check your ILOs

Use the checklist below to help you write ILOs for your course or units.

  1. Do the ILOs relate to the aims of the course/unit/learning activity?
  2. Have you discussed the ILOs with colleagues, learners or other stakeholders?
  3. Is the language of the ILOs unambiguous and understandable, particularly for learners?
  4. Is the balance of types of ILOs appropriate for your course/unit/activity?
  5. Are any UILOs too broad to be easily assessed?
  6. Will you be able to select assessment methods that truly enable students to demonstrate that
    they have met the UILO?
  7. Is the number of ILOs reasonable to assess (for you and the learners) for the size of unit?
  8. Have you avoided ILOs that are really assessment criteria?
  9. Have you avoided repetition of ILOs (you may have used different terms to mean the same thing)?
  10. Are the ILOs achievable within the timescale of the degree/unit?
  11. Are any ILOs too narrow, so as to be too restrictive?
  12. Are unit ILOs written at an appropriate level for the year of study?
  13. Do unit ILOs map to overall course ILOs?

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