TEL-Bytes webinar – Introducing the new SAMIS integration in Moodle

Target audience:​ 

  • Teaching staff who are responsible for a Moodle space.
  • Staff within departments who support the administration of a Moodle space. 

Event details:

Introducing the new SAMIS integration in Moodle

22nd Aug 2024 (3:15 PM – 3:45 PM)

This session introduces the new look SAMIS integration block and its additional features. Demonstrating:

  • Viewing the mappings for a Moodle page.
  • Adding additional mappings of units or courses. 
  • Automatically created groups of students (new feature). 

Session length: 

30 minutes + time for Q&A


Webinar on Microsoft Teams. Please check your spam/junk folders for confirmation, reminder emails, and the webinar joining link.

A record of attendance will be uploaded to iTrent for staff development purposes. Please indicate in the ‘Specific Requirements’ box when booking if you do NOT wish for your attendance to be uploaded to iTrent.


3:15 PM - 3:45 PM


Online event


Book your place

** University of Bath staff should log in before completing the booking form. Login button can be found at the top right of the page. **

Bookings are closed for this event.